The involvement and awareness of the educational and pedagogical community includes several partners linked to the educational universe: Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Carlos Pinto Ferreira, Agrupamento de Escolas D. Pedro IV, Agrupamento de Escolas D. Afonso Sanches, Agrupamento de Escolas Frei João and Escola Secundária José Régio, and the Centro de Formação Desportiva Náutica Frei João de Vila do Conde. With the schools, there will be a follow-up and new impetus to the heritage awareness initiatives already implemented in the classroom by intensifying activities, producing new teaching materials, carrying out study visits to the shipyards and the CdAN, with visits to the exhibition area, theoretical and practical training actions in a workshop context, etc.
On the other hand, the municipal educational program for nautical sports will be extended, in partnership with the CFDN Frei João de Vila do Conde, to the entire educational community of the municipal public network. Also in this area, it is worth mentioning the participation of experienced partners Hardanger og Voss in the design of the CdAN’s educational-pedagogical activities program.